SA Superman Men's T-shirt Vacation


Men's Surf Blue T-shirt

Everybody needs a South African super hero. Who’s yours? Is it Elon Musk? Is it Nelson Mandela or Cyril Ramaphosa? Your high school teacher or your grandmother? Maybe it’s you. It is you, definitely. But about that costume… reckon you can pull it off? If you go around showing off your underpants to the good people of Mzansi, there’s a chance that the PoPo are gonna come for you and you’ll be experiencing another lockdown all of your own. Plus, we don’t have the right kind of phone booths for you to whip your kit off in. You can see where we’re going with this. Why bother with the cape and the belt and those fancy red boots when you can just buy the T shirt? What says that you’re super, and that SA is super, and that everything is super, more than our super duper SA T shirt? Good question. Perhaps a hoody to cover up your super-duperness if you’re feeling a bit shy? Add this item to checkout so long and scroll on over to our fleece hoodies and get the kind of loving that Clark Kent dreams of.

160g 65/35 poly cotton blend

Available in Men's sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL