Lionhead Men's T-shirt Business


Men's Grey T-shirt

Detailed linework with a double-layered printing technique will see your eyeballs melting and head start bouncing when you see this lion in all his glory jungle-ing it out like the king that he is. Lions ain’t got no time for air buds. Them gazelles they’d be slaying would be like: pardon the intrusion of your carnivorous carcass carnage, but I think you’ve got cotton wool in your ears. Or maybe you have an important Zoom call to get to with the park rangers? Show ‘em who’s boss. They say, with their last dying breaths. No strings attached. That’s what we say, round here at Laugh it Off. Just a T shirt, couriered to you, in the size of your fancy, at an affordable price in an acceptable amount of time. What you do with it then - flossing or stunting or even ear budding - is up to you. Show dem you’re da King of the Jungle. Or King of the Savannah if you’re rocking this T in South Africa. Because there are no lions in jungles. Unless you count Joburg Zoo…

160g 65/35 poly cotton blend

Available in Men's sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL